Welcome to the Las Vegas of Blockchains

MGM Degen

$MGM is sponsoring the unstoppable movement of degeneracy on Degen L3.


A new era of degeneracy

MGM Grand

Not L1, not L2, but L3. We've crossed many bridges to get here, and we're just getting started. $MGM is the fuel that powers the unstoppable movement of innovation and degeneracy on Degen L3. We're building the Las Vegas of blockchains, and we're inviting you to join us.

MGM Degen


  • 1

    Degen Community Building

    Foster a cult community aligned with the long term version of Degen Chain while also embracing the degeneracy of crypto culture.

  • 2

    Frames Innovations

    Leveraging the 0 to 1 innovation in Farcaster Frames to bring degeneracy native to Warpcast via Degen L3. We're building.

  • 3

    MGM L4

    Half joking. 👀


Degen is the Solana of this cycle.

Budding alt Twitter account

Budding alt Twitter account
$DEGEN Whale



Total Supply

1T tokens


95% to LP

Paired with 100k DEGEN LP and BURNED.


95% to LP and BURNED

5% team and BURNED